


2019.1.30 最新消息 嘉德晶光電

嘉德晶光電股份有限公司創立於2010年6月,公司設址於桃園縣中壢市建國路100號 2 樓,董事會成立暨推選范振修先生為董事長,並任命邱正宇博士擔任總經理。廠址位於中壢區北園路22號,並設有最高等級的無塵室,致力於多項光、電元件的開發與生產製造,為世界綠色能源產業盡一份心力。

Lucemitek Co., Ltd. was established in Taiwan in June 2010; we are devoted to develop and produce optical and electrical devices for the benefit and improvement of green energies. Upon the setting of the company, Mr. Chen-Hsiu Fan was elected as the President, and Dr. Brian Chiu, with his professional background of delicate nano-fabrication, was assigned as the General Manager of Lucemitek Co., Ltd. The current location of both the head office and the factory, with the highest class of clean rooms for nano-fabrication, are in the Jungli Industrial Park. As a rather young company, we are honored to announce that we have been certified by ISO-9001 in July, 2012, by which proved the qualified quality-control processes that were especially required by companies with steady mass production.